The Paleoindian Database of the Americas


The Sloan Site, Arkansas

Morse, Dan F.
1975 Paleoindian in the Land of Opportunity: Preliminary Report on the Excavations at the Sloan Site (3GE94). In The Cache River Archaeological Project: An Experiment in Contract Archaeology, assembled by Michael B. Schiffer and John H. House, pp. 93-96,113. Arkansas Archaeological Survey, Research Series 8. Fayetteville.

Morse, Dan F. (editor)
1997 Sloan: A Paleoindian Dalton Cemetery in Northeast Arkansas. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.



Sloan Site, Arkansas Sloan and Dalton Points

Sloan cemetery property type

If you have data you would like to upload for this site, click here.

Data Files
(Click on the links below to access the database file(s). The data is in Excel format. If your computer will not open the file within your browser, right click on the link and choose the "save target as" option to save the file to your computer.)
Sloan Adzes
Sloan Backed Unifaces
Sloan Bifaces
Sloan Bone Provenience
Sloan Broken Bifaces
Sloan Cobble Abraders
Sloan Dalton Points
Sloan Discoid Hammers
Sloan Endscrapers
Sloan Grooved Abraders
Sloan Grooved and Notched Abraders
Sloan Notched Abraders
Sloan Other Abraders
Sloan Pebble Cores
Sloan Perforators
Sloan Provenience Data
Sloan Retouched Flakes
Sloan Utilized Flakes


The University of Tennessee Department of Anthropology· Knoxville Tennessee 37996 · Telephone 865-974-4408